Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Website Link and final thoughts

Nakagin Capsule Tower Website Link

My final thoughts of my website is that the layout and features on the website are meant to intrigue viewers to continue to browse the site, i tried to make the site as easy to understand as possible, so that anyone could access the website and find it useful. The site overall was simple yet eye-catching, i believe that this best represents the ideas of the Japanese culture.

My backdrop animation brings the idea of small space communities into the viewers thoughts, it is also an interesting feature of the site. Though this website is suppose to be a fairly professional website, i tried to incorporate the ideas and culture of Japan. Japan can be seen as this society that is leading the path to new technological advances, though as a society they enjoy dwelling on this "fantasy and magical world". That is why in regards to the backdrop i tried to incorporate this hilarious and interesting feature to my website.

Not having been able to find any other resources other than the internet to back up my research, i feel my website lacks the quality in information. Yet i also feel that i have enough information for people to at least acknowledge what the purpose of the building is for and how unique the structure is.

I found the most difficult part when creating my website was to make suitable pop up boxes for when the viewer clicks on the images. Also the coding was long and confusing because i was using flv video files which show a lot of coding.

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