Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Website Ideas

11th September 2008:
Regarding the website i want to make the interface simple as possible. I was thinking about using a layout that incorporates the style of the "Nakagin Capsule Tower", which means i'll be using basic shapes like squares and circle outlines to create my visual boxes of images and information.

My introduction page will be of solely the model and information about myself and the architect behind the work, i won't be going into depth about Kisho Kurokawa.

14th September 2008:
I was thinking that the navigation buttons will be apart of the background image, though the capsules will be different colour, as the viewer hovers their mouse over the capsule, a stick figure will appear showing the view what page they will be entering.

Architectural Plans

The building

Azar, Nakagin Capsule Tower, Tokyo, Japan, 1972, Azar Architecture, viewed August 28th 2008,

Lewism, Floor plan, viewed 28th August 2008,

Individual Capsules

Lewism, Isometric view of the capsule, viewed 28th August 2008,

Lewism, Detail of system of joining capsules, viewed on 28th August 2008,

Information on the building

Kisho Kurokawa Pt. 2: Nakagin Capsule Tower, (2007) Youtube [online]
Available from:
[Accessed 28th August 2008]

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chosen Architecture Building

Nakagin Capsule Tower

Built Architecture


Umeda Sky building

Nagakin Capsule Tower

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Assignment 1

In regards to assignment 1, I'm a bit confused as to how we submit the PDF. I copied it into the submit folder in Emustore, though i wasn't sure if we were suppose to use an external means of uploading, for example file front.
Well i have images below showing my completed work. So if there are any problems with how i submitted my work, please inform me and i shall fix the problem.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week 2

Creature 3

Creature 2

Creature 1